Monday, May 23, 2011

Origins Update: Goodbye, Mr. Fun Bus

Attention, attention! Only 29 days until Origins Game Fair commences! I am amazingly stoked for this year's marathon of gaming fun. My Board Room pass is all set (because you have to have access to that beautiful library of games), my Mayfair Room pass is all set (because it's just plain fun in there, and they have snacks!), and I'm about ready to rock.

I did get some interesting, if disturbing, news though today from the Origins Facebook page. It seems the beloved "Fun Bus" shuttle will not be running this year. In previous years, the Fun Bus was free bus transpo to all the major surrounding hotels and the convention center. It ran every 15 min. or so and kept on truckin' until 1:00am. I think some of the sweetest memories from last year are the 1:00 rides back to the hotel, packed elbow-to-elbow on the Fun Bus with people drunk from gaming. We'd all share our purchases of the day and recommend games to everyone else. Good times. But alas, we must say goodbye to Mr. Fun Bus. According to one source, the Fun Bus's sponsor, "Experience Columbus," faced budget cuts and decided to dump the shuttle.

As a result, my lazy ass has already switched my hotel reservations over to a facility with an enclosed walkway to the convention center. I had a lovely time staying at the Doubletree last year, and would recommend it to anybody, but it's a hike. And the Doubletree <snooty voice> "never provides any form of shuttle service for any events"</snooty voice>. Well then, ta-ta!

If you are lucky enough to attend Origins this year, it might be worth checking your transportation plans given the lack of shuttle...'cause, you know, your ass will be walking in the middle of a midnight thunderstorm if you decide to take your chances. That's what would happen to me, anyway.

By the way, don't ask why there's a Victorian era toddler crying over the Fun Bus above. It was just the creepiest crying baby picture I could find, and I had to have it. Besides, if creepy Victorian babies went to Origins, I'm sure they would cry over the loss of the Fun Bus, so it makes sense, right?


  1. Well Katie I too am ready for some Origins fun. I am trying to decide what games to bring (if any) or just stick with the board room and other attendees games. I didn't get the Mayfair room. What goes on in there?

    We are staying on the North side of town in a nice cheap hotel and carpool back and forth. Hopefully I can bump into you and your husband and say hello.

  2. Anon -

    I brought games last year and kicked myself. So much less room for new stuff I bought! Unnecessary lugging. This year I'm restricting myself to just a game or two--and THAT'S IT! I swear.

    The Mayfair Room (hmm...I should do a post about this) is in the main hall in the heart of things, and is a play area for strictly Mayfair games. They obviously have the full current library on-hand, plus tournaments and official plays. Last year they had some GIANT versions of their most popular games (GIANT Settlers of Catan, GIANT Pompeii, etc.), which were literally just giant mock-ups of the games in larger-than-life size. They also usually have contests running to collect different ribbons by playing games. Oh yeah, and snacks. Each night a couple hours before close they roll out the pop and chips. It's a small, but nice thing. I spent probably 50-60% of my time last year in the Mayfair room.

    If you bump into us, be SURE to say hi! You have the advantage over me since my picture is all over this blog. But rest assured, I'll be bouncing between the Mayfair Room and the Board Room Wed-Sat at least. Hope we get to say hello! (Maybe we can get a pic and post it here on the blog!)
