Thursday, January 13, 2011

Last Chance for Origins Early Registration Discount

Hey gamers, if you're cool like me and plan to be at Origins Game Fair this June, this is your notice that you have TWO days left to qualify for early registration discounts. Gaaa! Two days! PANIC!

Here's what this means for you: Up until January 15, you can register for Origins at the discounted rate of $55. After this Saturday, you will have to pay $65 per person for registration. (Egads, that's one less Quiznos order to have delivered to your gaming table!) If you're ready to take the plunge and register (and you can bet your feather hat that we're registering tonight!), you can do so by clicking on THIS LINK to the official Origins website.

This year's Origins is being held from June 22-26 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. Last year over 10,000 nerds showed up (including one bare-breasted chica I spied walking down the main hall). There are lists of hotels that cater to the event right on the Origins website, and TRUST ME, it doesn't matter how close your hotel is since the shuttle conveniently runs all the time.
Hope we'll see you there!


  1. In all the years at Origins, I never went to the board game room. How is the selection of board games?

  2. The board game selection is what I'd call decent. You probably won't find the newest of new games in the library, and for many of the games there is just one copy, but they have hundreds to choose from. It's thorough enough that I don't plan to bring any games of my own (unless there's something super unique that I just HAVE to play at convention).
