But I'm getting ahead of myself. The purpose of this post is to recap my holiday of gaming while I nurse my raw, stripped stomach back to health with lots of milk and Jell-O. Here's what went down, by the numbers:
Number of days brother-in-law-who-loves-board-games was visiting from Florida: 7

Number of different board games played: 13
Number of overall completed game plays: 38*
Number of games started...and then demolished, or forgotten in drunken stupors: Hard to say, maybe 5
Number of times The Big Lebowski was watched in one evening: 3
Number of hours it took for us to learn how to play Dungeon Lords: 5
Number of times a game required one of us to call other players "varmints": About 11
Number of fruit-themed games I was banned from playing with my family ever again: 1
Number of board game reviews I managed to type and publish during this time: 1 (yea, me!)
From the moment we got home from airport pick-up duty, we were gaming--at the kitchen table, at a coffee table in the living room in front of a movie, or at a card table in front of the fireplace (because damnit, it was cold!), we were gaming. Here's a roll-call of the games played (in no particular order):

Clue: Master Detective - 2
Boggle - 2
Bananagrams - 10 (...guess which fruit-themed game I was bananned from?...get it? Ahh, fruit humor.)
Infinite City - 1
Alien Frontiers - 3
Mad Magazine Card Game - 3
Dungeon Lords - 3
Pompeii - 4
Go - 7
Puerto Rico - 2
And also add to that an unspecified number of games of Pictionary Man and Scattergories that were played Christmas evening with my lush of a sister. Probably dozens. Hard to say. After you've heard one Scattergories "penis" joke, you've heard a thousand.
So at the end of the holidays, did I scratch off every line of my Holiday Gaming To-Do List? Nuh-uh. Not even close. (Poor Small World.) But I think we may have set a new record in our household for number of games played in a 168-hour period. And if it wasn't for that last terrible night of dice tossing, when a rocks glass sat in each person's left hand, and a martini glass in each person's right hand, it might've been a spectacular--nay, glorious--holiday gaming blow-out. Instead, it was the worst long-term gaming + alcohol hangover I've ever had.
Sorry readers, you might need to give me a few days before I'm back in gaming form again. Happy New Year!
Yeah, not many people will play word games with me. A friend and I are ADDICTED to Quiddler. We play non-stop whenever we are together.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if banned is what exactly what happpened with Bananagrams. More like the special rules we forced on you were insufficient to prevent you from performing a 'Coup De Grace' as you called it. Not that I didn't totatlly deserve it. :)
ReplyDeleteDave, I called it a coup de gras. And I therefore challenge your spelling of "grace", and you lose at Bananagrams once again. Oops, sorry. I thought we were playing again. :)
ReplyDeleteSharkbytes, Quiddler, ehhh? Well you have me intrigued. I will have to check it out!